My name is Jeannie Pakenham, and I’m a watercolour artist living in the beautiful Hampshire countryside. I began painting when I retired from teaching children with Special Educational Needs, and I joined the Alresford Art Society and hence began my watercolour journey. Soon after I took classes with the Art Society, enjoying a variety of tutors who taught me the basics of working with watercolours. In my eagerness to learn more about the medium I attended workshops with Ann Blockley, Jean Haines, and Alison Board who I found incredibly inspirational. I also attended short courses and workshops with Julia Cassels and Sue Rubra who are both amazing artists and generous tutors.
I enjoy using lots of colour and like to capture movement in my work. I take inspiration from the flora and fauna where I live. I am fortunate to live close to Marwell Zoo which is a brilliant place to see more exotic creatures. I don’t think watercolour is easy, but it is totally absorbing and addictive. There is such a lot to learn and I love the challenge!
I have exhibited with the Alresford Art Society and The Winchester Art Group. I have won ‘The People’s Choice Award’ three times with the Alresford Art Society.
My paintings have been used for Christmas cards for Winchester Gold Charity and I won Christmas Card and Pet Painting Competitions with ‘The Leisure Painter’ magazine. I mainly sell my paintings from home and at local exhibitions with other artists. I also take part in Open Studio Week in Hampshire.
(The Artist and Leisure Painting magazines are sold nationally and I believe internationally. Their website is www.painters-online.co.uk).
Inspiration from the Hampshire countryside
“There’ll always be an England, while there’s a country lane.
Wherever there’s a cottage small, beside a field of grain”
I paint in my garden studio. It is an oasis of calm which has an incredible view of the Hampshire countryside.
The occasional deer passes by, and the changing colours of the season are always an inspiration.